10 Business Professionals Who You Must Have on Your Team, Before You Start a Dental Practice SKU: 158830

This is a MUST read for any dentist who is planning on doing a dental startup, a recent practice purchaser or a new grad.  Adding these ten business professionals to your team will give you the foundation for long term success.


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During the startup process, a lot of dentists put all of their time and energy into finding the right 
employees. Of course, having the right team inside your dental practice is essential to the success of 
your business. However, what often gets forgotten are the business professionals who are just as 
necessary to have on your team. Adding these members to your team can take you from an average practice 
to a highly profitable one. In this resource guide, I give examples from personal experience to help 
guide you in the right direction. 

Warren E. Woodruff, DDS 
WEW Solutions, LLC